Bosc Pear

Bosc Pear

Also known as Kaiser pears, this aromatic, succulent pear is easily recognisable by its long, tapered neck and rich golden-brown hue. The flesh of the Bosc pear is dense, crisp and creamy, and boasts a sweet buttery taste when fully ripe.

Health benefits: A fruit rich in both soluble and insoluble fibre, the Bosc pear can help lower cholesterol and promote digestive health – especially useful for those wishing to reduce belly bloat and improve bowel movement regularity.

Have one of these as a snack before you start your workout – the natural simple carbohydrates in the pear gives you a quick energy boost to get you going. A hypoallergenic fruit, it’s safe to introduce this as a puree to babies.  

How to prepare: With its firm texture, the Bosc pear holds its shape and is ideal for cooking or baking. Oven-poach in wine for an elegant dessert. It’s equally delightful when used in a decadently buttery crumble, sophisticated glazed tart, or simple teacake. It pairs perfectly with cheese as well, so enjoy it on a cheese platter as an indulgent afternoon treat.

What to look for: Gently press a finger into the top of the part where the stem joins the fruit. If it yields easily, the pear is ripe. Don’t buy pears that are soft anywhere else as that’s an indication that the pears are overripe and the flesh may be mushy and mealy.

How to ripen pears: Store the pears at room temperature. To speed up the ripening process, place the pears in a paper bag with a ripe apple or banana. The ethylene given out by these fruits will induce the pears to ripen faster.

 Shop for fresh, organic Bosc pears now.